Turbon garden bench, realized by our customers with our furniture plan
Click on the pictures to see more and larger pictures of this furniture, and to read the experiences of our customers.
Build this elegant garden bench yourself with our manual and plans
The furniture plan of bench Turbon describes the two-seater version of this bench. A three-seater variant can be made quite easily from the working drawing and saw list.
The size of the seat cushions is 120 x 48-50 cm. This size is readily available.
We recommend plywood as the material for this piece of furniture: for example birch plywood, underlayment or concrete plywood. Scaffolding wood or solid garden wood is also possible, but then you may have to convert for a different thickness. And because scaffolding wood is not very dimensionally stable, only experienced do-it-yourselfers should try it. We recommend using a circular saw to cut the panels. You can also have this done by your wood supplier.
The design
We tried to design a simple and nice piece of furniture. We have taken a number of specific matters into account with this garden bench.
For example, the furniture must be dismountable, so that it can be stored in the winter if necessary. The sophisticated construction is solid but not heavy: the sofa is easy to move.
We also pay a lot of attention to keeping screw connections out of sight as much as possible.
Then we always try to get the furniture as efficiently as possible from standard dimensions of sheet material. Garden bench Turbon (two-seater) is made from one plate measuring 122 x 244 cm. And a small (rest) piece of 56 x 6 cm.
Finally, the design is tailored to the possibilities and limitations of the do-it-yourselfer and his / her tools. If you can handle a handsaw or jigsaw and drill, you can make all our furniture. If you have professional tools, it will only get easier.
… adjustments
As you might have already seen in the photos of finished furniture, it’s really easy to make changes to the dimensions and/or design. The clear cutting list and design drawings help to give you the confidence to make any changes you like.
The manual / design plan and drawings
The downloadable manual is in the form of an A4 booklet for you to print out yourself. At the start you’ll find a list of necessities, such as the wood (board or sheet material), screws (size and quantity), glue and any other parts. Also listed are the tools that you will need and a cutting list with dimensions of all the parts that make up the piece of furniture. Double bed Hayeda also has a cutting plan, which shows the most optimal way to cut the individual pieces from standard sized boards.
Tips and tricks
Each furniture plan contains a number of relevant tips about choice of material, sawing, screws, glue, sanding, painting, varnishing, etc. When dowels are given as an alternative, there is also a detailed explanation so that you can get started with full confidence. Finally, there is a detailed step-by-step plan for the construction of the furniture, with clear diagrams and simple explanations.

Chris –
Ik heb het bankje gemaakt van een oude eiken parketvloer de uitdaging zat vooral in het feit dat vloerdelen 20 mm dik waren dus erg op letten maar is gelukt zoals je ziet.
Tekeningen en uitleg zijn dik in orde maar die ervaring had ik met het maken van de loungehoekbank YelmoXL een jaar of 6 geleden.
John –
Ik stuur nog een foto wanneer de zaak volledig in de Deense olie staat. Gebruikt materiaal is berken multiplex, ik koop al mijn hout bij de arnhemse fijnhouthandel. Principieel werk ik alleen met verantwoord europees hardhout. Ik hou me hobbymatig bezig met kleinmeubelen en gitaarbouw en gebruik weinig tot geen machines.
Irma –
Bankje inmiddels al 2 keer gemaakt op aanvraag heel leuk om te doen. Andere bankje is ook wit.
Jan D –
Jan: “De bank is helemaal af. Bijgeschuurd, geplakt en geschilderd.
Hoe bescherm jij de onderkant van je poten eigenlijk? Elk jaar een cm afzagen?”
Rob: “Onderkant van de poten kun je beschermen door extra goed te lakken en er dan zo’n dopje met spijker onder te slaan. (of zelf iets dergelijks te fabrieken) zodat de beschermende laklaag niet afslijt. Het afzagen van poten moet ik afraden.”
G vd B –
Het eindresultaat is zeer naar tevredenheid!!.
Gebruikt materiaal: Okoumé-plaat 18 mm dik watervast..
Deze bank is 20 cm minder breed dan op jullie werktekening staat.
En 4 cm hoger (door de poten wat langer te maken.
Ik heb dopjes onder de poten gezet om het hout los te krijgen van de grond. Vermindert de kans op rotting.
De bank is afgewerkt met 4 lagen bootlak!