DIY nursery cabinet ‘Leon’ furniture plan


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León: playful clothes cupboard for the children’s room or elsewhere

This two-door nursery closet with playful legs offers lots of storage space. Together with cot / crib and dresser León, it forms the basis of a unique children’s room that you, with our design plan, can completely make yourself.


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Cabinet / closet Leon, built by our customers with this manual

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Furniture plan: DIY nursery cabinet Leon

Elegant, graceful wardrobe with tapered legs. Nicely designed closet with hanging space and lots of room for clothing, so also practical if the children are older. Make this special nursery closet easily yourself using our manual with clear step-by-step instructions and drawings. In the blueprint, we describe how this cabinet with an option for four doors (front and rear) can be made. This makes it suitable to use as a “room divider”, set at an angle of 90 degrees to the wall and open on both sides. But of course: you can also just create the regular wardrobe with two doors and closed back.

The design

We have naturally tried to make the design as beautiful as possible. We wanted this closet to be stable and yet elegant. With the special form and construction of the legs we think we have achieved this. For this modern cupboard we have taken particular account of a few things. The design of the furniture in the children’s series Leon is characterized by tapered legs; the cabinet is “suspended” between them.
For this DIY nursery closet, we have taken particular account of a few things. We have tried as far as possible to hide all screws. We also detail how, in some places, you can use dowels to join pieces together, such that you don’t need any screws. If you want to paint the unit, you can neatly hide any remaining evidence of screws with help from some filler. In our tips for furniture makers we describe how you can do this.
We always try to make our furniture as efficiently as possible from standard size sheet or board material. This cupboard can be made completely from standard 122 x 244 cm sheets of MDF or plywood. The legs though should be made of plywood for stability reasons. For the doors, we definitely recommend MDF, it remains flatter than other material. To cut the panels, we recommend using a circular saw. You can also have this done by your timber supplier.
The design takes account of the capabilities and limitations of a typical DIY’er and their tools. If you have a hand saw (and in some cases a jigsaw) and a drill and know how to handle them, then you should be able to make all of our furniture. If you have access to professional tools, then of course it will be even easier.

… adjustments

As you might have already seen in the photos of clients who built this wardrobe it’s really easy to make changes to the dimensions and/or design, and many have done so. The clear cutting list and design drawings help to give you the confidence to make any changes you like.

The manual / design plan and drawings

The downloadable manual is in the form of an A4 booklet for you to print out yourself. At the start you’ll find a list of necessities, such as the wood (board or sheet material), screws (size and quantity), glue and any other parts. Also listed are the tools that you will need and a cutting list with dimensions of all the parts that make up the piece of furniture.
Each furniture plan contains a number of relevant tips about choice of material, sawing, screws, glue, sanding, painting, varnishing, etc. When dowels are given as an alternative, there is also a detailed explanation so that you can get started with full confidence.
Below you can see three example pages from the furniture plan of nursery closet Leon.

cupboard kids furniture plan preview Leon

Additional information


B 112 x H 207 x D 57,2 cm. Height interior cabinet: 152 cm


Plywood and / or MDF, thickness 18 and 6 mm, Screws, preferably Torx or Allen, Hinges, White wood glue, Material of your choice for the finish: lacquer, stain or similar, Sandpaper Grit 120, Grit 180.


Sawing (hand saw, jigsaw), drilling, fixing screws, gluing.


Handsaw / jigsaw, (Cordless) drill, Drill bits 2, 3, 4 & 5 mm, Countersink bit, Screwdriver / bits

Brochure A4 PDF

16 pages of A4 with cutting list, cutting diagram, clear drawings & instructions and useful tips

Dutch design

Professional own design, clean, elegant and spacious.

Flexible design

With the manual and drawings it’s easy to modify dimensions and/or the design to suit your own needs.

You can do it (too)!

The design takes account of the capabilities and limitations of the DIY’er and their tools.


  1. Rutger

    “als ik zou door het kamertje loop dan ben ik er enorm trots op!
    En om eerlijk te zijn mijn handen jeuken weer toen ik het tv-meubel met lift zag op je website. Maar nu eerst een boekenkast achter de bank….”

  2. Janneke

    “Kinderkamer is helemaal klaar! We hebben hier en daar wat aanpassingen gemaakt, zodat het helemaal naar onze wens was.”

  3. I.B

    “We hebben toch besloten om ook de kast “Leon” kinderkast te maken. Zo wordt het kinderkamertje een mooi geheel.”

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