Made by Luca and her father Jip
Rob:”Nice and well camouflaged. Hopefully the squirrels can find him ;-).”.
Jip: You ask for comments about the construction drawing. I only have one: The sizes of H4 and H5 should be the same. But for H4 is 283 mm and H5 is specified 271 mm. Part H3 is incorrect. The specified length is 513 and that should be 536 mm.
Furthermore, it is problematic to simply screw such a house to a tree. The tree becomes a few mm thicker every year and therefore pushes the house over the screws so that it falls. It is better to use so-called frame screws or spacers and keep some space free between the tree and the cottage. The tree can then grow without pressing against the house. The mounting board V6 should then be made double-thick to give the frame screws more grip.
Rob:”Thanks for your comment. I can imagine that you think that H4 and H5 would be the same size. And that could well be the case. However, I deliberately chose to have the roof cross a little more on one side. To bring the whole of asymmetries back into balance. But of course that is a matter of taste. H3 must indeed have 😬 536 mm. I have since adapted it. Thanks for reporting!
As for your second comment, you have a good point there. Indeed, I had not taken that into account. And you propose a nice solution. I think that with good (not too soft) wood 25 mm thickness for V6 would suffice. But it may be easier to double make V6 and screw it together and glue it together.
Another option could be to hang the cottage with rope on V6. But your solution is nicer”.